Three Weddings
“Three Weddings” is a project based on the collected material in Udmurtia. Even though the collected stories, recordings, and photographs are location specific, the story of “Three Weddings” is a universal concept about the continuity within life, with details based on their specific Udmurt culture.
This project was partly a collaboration together with Udmurt artist Zoja Lebedeva.

2018 / Installation / Exhibition Headliners / Groningen, Netherlands /Citrus phototransfers, performance, video
2018 / Groningen, Netherlands / 210mm x 210mm
Photobook as a part of an installation, where visitors were invited to contribute their own reinterpretation of the topic of "Three Weddings".

meanwhile in Udmurtia
where it all began

Part of the collected photo archive throughout the journey.
All the photographs and stories are collected in one specific Udmurt village Buranovo.